Author: Diana Bigham, LMFT-S
Have you devoted the past several years to raising children who are now entering into adulthood?
Now that your days in PTA and sports are waning, do you wonder if you should enter the workforce or finally get that degree you’ve been thinking about?
You may be thinking about what the empty nest life will look like and re-discovering who you are without kids being the center of your schedule.
Here are 3 things to think about so you transition in this new stage of life with style and ease.
- Identify Goals: What goals, you say? Ask yourself: What do I want retirement years to look like? Get very specific. Will I need to increase my income to have this kind of retirement lifestyle? Do I need to brush up my skills or resume? Are a few college or graduate classes going to get me there, or can I reach out to someone who will mentor me?
- Know Your Passion and Your Skill Sets: Where your heart and your hands meet will be a great place to start. Make 2 lists: things you love to do and things you’re good at. Find where you have both a passion and a skill and this will be where you will want to devote time and energy so that you can find fulfillment in this new season of life.
- Give Yourself Grace: As with all life transitions, there is often some trial and error. Give yourself flexibility to test out a few things before you decide if you love what you’re doing. You’re test driving your new life and you don’t know what you don’t know. You’re not the same woman you were when you were in your 20’s so don’t be surprised if you discover some new passions along this journey. And…don’t forget to take friends with you for the laughs and tears that will inevitably come. Everything’s better with friends.
For support during your expedition into re-discovering who you are and what fulfills you, book a consultation session with one of our therapists at Redefine. Call 817-562-8800 today.