Workshops & Support Groups
We love groups. Learn through topical discussions in a group setting. Groups are only offered based on demand. Check with office staff to determine if one may be available for your need, review what's available on this page, or let us know what you'd like to see us offer for the community.
Speaking & Community Presentations
We offer community presentations including: postpartum care, bullying, handling tantrums in child care, and parenting strategies for defiance and disruptive behaviors. Tell us about your community needs so we can create a tailored presentation for your group.
Current Workshop(s) Available:
Workshop: Anxiety Reduction
For: Adults, maximum group size of 12
Goal: To discover and practice effective ways to address anxiety symptoms
When: Saturday, March 2nd from 11 AM-12 PM Central Time
Where: At Redefine Conference Room
If you tend to stress and need ways to address the anxiety you’re feeling, join us for a 1-hour workshop and practice relaxation methods and coping skills.
Cost: FREE but you must RSVP as space is limited
Please complete this form to sign up for Parenting Workshop.
Workshop: Parenting Workshop
For: Parents, maximum group size of 12
Goal: How to teach children and teens coping skills and address defiance and tantrums.
When: Saturday, October 26 from 10 – 11 AM Central Time
Where: At Redefine Conference Room
Overview: In this workshop, parents will leave equipped with knowing how to reduce and even eliminate back talk, become confident in knowing what to say and do with defiant behaviors, and raise children with good coping skills. Topics covered include Parental Self-Care, How to Set Your Family Up For Success, What to Do During Defiant Moments, and How to Repair The Relationship After Parenting Mistakes and Childhood Fits. Printed handouts with parenting tips will be given.
Cost: Free but you must RSVP as space is limited
Please complete this form to sign up for Parenting Workshop.
Workshop: Heavenly Identity [Boost your confidence by knowing what God says about you!]
For: Adults, Teens 13 and older (a parent must be present), Maximum Group Size: 12 for In Person; 100 for Online
Goal: To have clients discover their unique God-given design and write an identity declaration statement
When: Saturday, February 8th from 10-11 AM Central Time
Where: Zoom and At Redefine Conference Room
What’s better than speaking positive affirmations?
Listening and agreeing with what God says about YOU.
Join our Heavenly Identity workshop. You’ll learn to recognize what God says about you and write a declaration statement that you can speak over yourself.
When we agree with what the Lord says about our identity, we will walk out our destiny. Join us for this 1-hour workshop and get:
- Biblically-based lesson on how to recognize the ways God speaks
- Exercises to practice hearing what God says about your identity
- Support from our counselors to write a declaration statement about what God says about you
- Boost in your confidence and purpose in life
Don’t just speak positive things about you or your loved ones. Speak the living words of God that bring hope and have the power to bring transformation.
Cost: FREE but you must RSVP as space is limited
Facilitators: Diana & Erica
Please complete this form to sign up for Heavenly Identity Workshop.
Workshop: The Importance of Parental Self-Care and Emotional Wellness [Online Workshop]
For: Parents, maximum group size of 100
Goal: Parents to gain a better understanding of the importance of self-care and overall emotional wellbeing.
When: Thursday, February 27 from 10:00 – 10:30 AM Central Time
Where: On Zoom (link will be provided in email after registration)
Overview: When a person’s stress is larger than their capacity to handle it, they feel overwhelmed. Parents will learn about the capacity to cope as it relates to themselves and their children, and how they can build that capacity. Parents will also learn the importance of self-care and will identify at least 3 ways they can better care for themselves to promote emotional wellbeing for themselves as well as their children.
Cost: Free but you must RSVP as space is limited.
Facilitator: Erica
Please complete this form to sign up for Parenting Workshop.
Workshop: 10 Tips for Parenting the Smartphone Generation [In Person Workshop]
For: Parents, maximum group size of 8
Goal: To better understand the benefits and the risks associated with technology.
When: Saturday, March 8 from 10:00-11:00 AM Central Time
Where: Redefine Conference Room
Overview: Parents today are tasked with both guiding and protecting children in their use of technology. This workshop utilizes biblically based ideas from Dr. Gregory Jantz to help with that task. Parents will learn 10 tips they can utilize to set reasonable limits, to protect their children from danger, and to embrace the positive aspects of technology while promoting a healthy parent-child relationship.
Cost: Free but you must RSVP as space is limited.
Facilitator: Erica
Please complete this form to sign up for Parenting Workshop.
Workshop: Behavior Management 101, How to Handle Defiant Moments [Online Workshop]
For: Parents, maximum group size of 100
Goal: To better understand behavior management for both parent and child and effectively handle defiant moments.
When: Thursday, March 20 from 10:00 – 10:30 AM Central Time
Where: On Zoom (link will be provided in email after registration)
Overview: This workshop provides valuable insight regarding behavior management using the Emotional Traffic Signal to gauge which zone both the parent and the child are in to better navigate effective communication. Parents will also learn a strategy which can be utilized during defiant moments with young children, adolescents, and teens.
Cost: Free but you must RSVP as space is limited.
Facilitator: Erica
Please complete this form to sign up for Parenting Workshop.
Workshop: Talking Through Tough Topics – Couples’ Workshop
For: Couples, maximum group size of 12
Goal: Couples will have tools to know how to recognize the 4 main factors of conflict and talk about difficult topics.
When: Saturday, October 5th from 12-1:30 PM Central Time
Where: At Redefine Conference Room
Do you feel uncomfortable talk ing about a sensitive topic or have troubling knowing how to bring up an issue with your spouse or partner?
Join us in a free workshop and discover communication tools to address conflict.
Lunch will be provided.
Cost: FREE but you must RSVP as space is limited. Registration will close once all seats have been reserved.
Please complete this form to sign up for Couples Workshop.
Workshop: Managing Conflict: After The Fight
For: Couples, maximum group size of 12 individuals (6 couples)
Goal: Couples will have tools to know how to work through 5 steps of the Aftermath of the Fight.
When: Tuesday, November 12th from 6-7:30 PM Central Time
Where: At Redefine Conference Room
Do you feel hopeless after fighting with your spouse or partner? Would you like to learn how to reconnect and repair your relationship after an argument?
Join us in a free workshop and discover communication tools to restore your relationship after a fight.
Light snacks will be provided.
Cost: FREE but you must RSVP as space is limited. Registration will close once all seats have been reserved.
Facilitator: Heidi
Please complete this form to sign up for Couples Workshop.
Workshop: Senior Group Support Group: 4 week journey out of isolation, led by Patricia
For: Maximum group size of 10
Goal: How to …
When: Every Thursday, starting February 1 through February 22
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Where: At Redefine Conference Room
Overview: In this 4 week group, participants will …
Cost: Free
Please complete this form to sign up for Parenting Workshop.
Group Name: She Leads (with Diana Bigham)
For: Christian Wives, maximum group size of 100
Goal: How to remove pain and resentment when your husband does not spiritually lead in the home.
When: Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM, from September 7th through September 28th
Where: On Zoom
Overview: Many Christian women struggle with their husband’s lack of spiritual leadership in the home. They pray and wait for years, but nothing changes. The problem is that many women are left feeling spiritually unfulfilled, disappointed, and frustrated with their spouse. They don’t know how to release feelings of anger or disappointment towards their husbands and it can take a long time to heal those wounds.
“She Leads” provides a step-by-step guide on how to shift your heart from resentment and bitterness toward love and forgiveness in 3 phases. You’ll discover keys to release emotional pain, learn how God sees your husband, and change the course of your relationship.
Renew your heart so you can move into God’s best for your life.
Women will meet twice a week for in the month of September.
Participants will receive:
- Renew The Heart e-course
- 7 highly interactive Zoom meetings with Diana Bigham, Kingdom-minded therapist
- Engaging homework assignments
Cost: $47
Learn how to actually “give your pain to God”, grow confident in recognizing His voice, and become free from resentment.
Sign up by purchasing the Renew The Heart ecourse at
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